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tv   [untitled]    November 15, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EST

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a new israeli invasion looms over gaza and the palestinian enclaves battered with artillery and air strikes which are claiming the rising number of civilian lives. news builds just hours after a twenty four hour plan european strike brought over twenty countries to a standstill new figures suggest the eurozone is back in recession. as beijing ushers in the new top officials who will lead the country for the next ten years we look at how the world might be changed by china's emerging economic might .
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it is a pleasure to have you with us here on r t today i'm sure live in moscow the israeli military is right now converging on gaza as it continues to pummel the palestinians from land and sea the operation and dubbed pillars of defenses on the verge of turning into a new invasion by three israelis at least thirteen palestinians including children and a pregnant woman have all been killed. in the region for us. overnight the bombardment continued israeli air strikes killed more than militants those belonging to the same militant group in gaza as jobbery the head of hamas his military wing who was killed in a targeted airstrike yesterday afternoon there's also reports confirmed by the israeli military of continued shelling via the israeli navy gunboats off the coast and fixed land based artillery pieces from southern israel from hamas rockets were
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fired into southern israel over the night israeli anti missile defenses trying to shoot those down some of them land landing in southern israel as well this immediate escalation came about yesterday afternoon loud explosions rocking all only the built up areas there the great fear now that a ground invasion is imminent israeli sources have said that they're fully prepared to start to go and if they deem it necessary and they have called up reservists possibly the last time that we've seen in any operation of this intensity was over the new year of two thousand and eight to nine when israel launched operation cast lead pretty much following the same pattern as we've seen so far with the ground operation following this same stated objectives as israel says now to destroy the terrorist infrastructure on the ground in gaza meeting heavy fighting there was
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a lot of civilian casualties and damage as a result. but israel now announcing that all male members of hamas are targets planes are dropping leaflets over gaza warning palestinians to keep away from militant positions that we spoke to a filmmaker and activist in the embattled enclave who says civilians are bearing the brunt of the israeli onslaught. so far we've seen an absolutely overburdened hospital system health system here in gaza. an emergency crisis status was launched by that within an hour of the operation of being launched as you said we've seen at least three dead children at least one woman we've seen at least ninety injured in just one hospital we've seen victims many people giving. reports of white phosphorous maybe being used again here on the gaza strip we've seen naval attacks attacks i have to be honest with you the situation is very very grave and the
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palestinian gazan population are frankly being terrorized internationals in the gaza strip recalled to an activist and the gazan people believe that this is the beginning of another full scale war akin to that of winter two thousand and eight winter two thousand and nine named operation costs so i have to tell you the situation is expected to get greater and greater. just a bit earlier in the program i spoke to an israeli official who hailed the ongoing success as an operation that is a means to an end despite the rising number of civilian casualties. this is being so far one of the most surgical pinpoint military operations in modern military history i think again you will see that the civilian to militant casualty ratio will show up in israel to have unfortunately killed civilians but fall fewer then than any other comparable military. action but you have
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a pin point operation you call this one of the most precise and exact and pinpoint military operations that israel's known in recent history and that can allow for what you might consider collateral damage the killing of children when you when you present it and you talk about civilians it's always said as all the civilian these raids civilians to being killed just today the three israelis who were killed but all the live and palestinians who were killed seven are confirmed militants two to use a like you would know you are you. possibly you're just giving rise to anti israeli attitudes among palestinians let's let's have a listen to this quickly as the hamas leader that we spoke to just a bit earlier place down by. the assassination of this great leader. clearly confirms that we are still in the heart of resistance with the israeli enemy our designers generally knows nothing look the language of killing and blood our battle with the enemy is an open about a good woman god willing and obey this battle will end with palestine and jerusalem liberated and what we should wait for actions would not occur and. we've seen their
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actions a situation which most often anywhere in the world could accept what would you do were just one missile to land in central moscow where we talk about our missiles and let's the scarify here we're talking about more rockets that are being attracted over some some might say that a mortar rocket from the palestinian militants compared to your. health fire inside why the missiles from your. fighter jet so well it's quite a big difference between fireworks and bombs but the truth of the matter is that we have a situation where just today three israeli civilians were killed call the mortars call the missiles. did civilians we have a situation where in the recent past some thirty percent of these raby children in southern israel diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder israel was heavily criticized by a part of the world community i agree with you there i remind you and i point out that that was four years ago the lowest civilian to militant casualty rate in history twenty nine percent of those killed were civilians and i'm not belittling
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the death of any civilians but far lower than any other military campaign in the last century i think that we will see something similar to start we're hoping to achieve a number of things first and foremost significantly degrade the command and control and operational abilities of. what the international community is split over the israeli operation which rusher is calling disproportionate washington's backing tel aviv while egypt defends its palestinians allies and calls on america to rein israel in the un security council's appeal for an end to the violence but it stopped short of taking action artie's guy nature can has more. the u.s. response to the shelling of gaza was easy to predict and it says we stand by our partners in their right to defend themselves against terrorism the u.s. representative to the u.n. has released a statement saying the u.s. expresses regret at the death injury of innocent israeli and palestinian civilians
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caused by the violence there but made it clear that washington is clearly blaming the palestinians for the israelis shelling of gaza palestinians are asking the security council to stop israel and what they call cold war crimes perpetrated by israel against the palestinian people israel of course is saying that the airstrikes are justified response to the rocket fire from gaza into south is for all it's worth noting that this wednesday while israel was storming gaza from air president obama was holding a news conference the president received no question about gaza and there was almost nothing on t.v. here about it i've been watching very closely the israeli defense minister who has indicated that this could be just the beginning mr barak who led the last israeli ground attack on gaza four years ago this three week operation cast lead in which more than one thousand and one hundred palestinians and twelve israelis were killed
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in the u.s. it's basically told us well whatever you do to the palestinians in gaza we're not going to polls we're not going to intervene and the usual line is the one that we heard this wednesday and that is we stand by our way through the partners in the right to defend themselves against terrorism but does the word terrorism in this context justify any actions by israel because it very much seems like it from the u.s. point of view and that is what many people don't understand but it's also interesting how washington chooses which acts of terror to condemn this terrorism and which ones not to condemn for example suicide bombings that happen in syria on a regular basis the u.s. does not hurry to condemn. them is acts of terror so the word terrorism may have different interpretations in washington often an act of terror may not be condemned as such if it's committed against someone designated by the you was an enemy it is god nature kind of reporting what they do stay with us for the latest
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on the crisis in gaza you can also follow our live updates on twitter and on our website of course dot com. all right i'll turn that past four in the afternoon moscow time the eurozone is now sunken into its second recession since two thousand and eight that's according to the latest eurostar data the report comes on the heels of a twenty four hour strike which saw people in more than twenty european countries take to the streets venting their frustration of spending cuts sarah ferguson story . saying. greece. italy. and portugal. here it's most debt ridden countries joining together with many others for the continent's first cross border mega strike from the beginning it was clear that emotions were running high in many
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places madrid saw violence early on and asked a brief car to break the anger of those protesting is evident for various things between the protesters and the riot police is packing right almost three thousand meter it's not like you can really get more symbolic candy for the he stood by the people say there are right now all across the yard to train their governments and between the people themselves this is why the austerity but that is. where the bullets are violent confrontations with the authorities are becoming an auntie familiar sights the constant leaders stand the disparity is a necessary evil to cut the sky high deficit the november the fourteenth the people of europe seem to have formed a county union to fight back against the prevailing title sterrett city ahead of next week's budget meeting for us is will be watching closely as the scenes of police and protesters battling one another played out across the nobel peace prize
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winning. imagery of the clean up operation is already under way only it was so easy for the year is saying to clean up the mess it finds itself in. our city. some of the more well off countries like france and belgium also sort of striking workers close a sociologist at the university in boston who took part in wednesday's strike says it's not the cuts but what they target the trick is popular on rest a protest isn't about a solution a protest is normally about something you don't want so in this case what they're protesting is easy to austerity is cuts in social spending and cuts in social rights and the expansion of social misery people can make the argument that austerity is a solution to the current problems being faced by your the european citizenry and in particular by the southern european citizenry the problem is what does that
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austerity mean is that neoliberal e.u. austerity where you cut basically all of those all of the social protection that keeps people from descending down to a sort of downward spiral of social misery and with all of that escalating conflict or do you leave social protection in place and cut in places where there really is overspending such as bank bailouts and and and areas like these. but watching on t.v. and talk about a smooth change at the top in china beijing confirms his change of leadership for the next decade in just a few moments we'll look at how these changes could impact the global economy as well as china's relations with other nations. and of royal flush and buckingham palace where short of cleaners there weren't many who are rushing to fill the
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vacancy after a short break we'll tell you exactly why. things are just getting too expensive in london many families just can't afford to live in the city anymore so because of upcoming welfare cuts the government is buying or rented property to relocate people outside of the city the maximum housing allowance for welfare will go down to four hundred pounds a month which is peanuts compared to the one thousand two hundred fifty pounds need to pay for the average three room apartment expelling the poor from london seems a bit fishy to me so instead of say regulating prices or god forbid using the money from the welfare cuts to create jobs so people can earn a living for themselves rather than rely on handouts london has decided to make
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itself some official get to. what is to call a place where everyone from a certain economic classes forcibly shove to although this may sound like some sort of help from the government it seems to me like a means to get rid of the poor rather than trying to make the poor less poor but that's just my opinion. to leave speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic in school here on. fourteen from the world talks about the v.o.i.p. interviews intriguing story to tell you. the. arabic to find out more visit arabic t.v. dot com.
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if you are just joining us welcome to the program here on our own rule received by china's weeklong power transfer has now come to an end with dizzee jinping being appointed the communist party's next leader he takes over from hu jintao whose guidance led beijing through a decade of rapid growth and soared to overtake japan as the world's second largest economy a local journalist henry morton reports. that process started over the last week with the communist party of china's congress the eighteenth party congress that
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closed all wednesday with the president hu jintao stepping down as general secretary of the party cheating paying currently vice president being named as who successor as head of the party over the last ten years china has been a real economic success story we've seen it gain membership to the world trade organization it's now a very sort of prominent member of that particular organization we've seen its g.d.p. quadruple in the last ten years however there are some problems with that economic success story we have seen enormous environmental damage caused by that runaway growth and we've also seen a huge gap opening up between rich and poor china has a million u.s. dollar millionaires but also one hundred fifty million people here living on less than a dollar a day and that is an issue that the incoming government knows that it needs to tackle. our financial expert francis learn who is based in hong kong believes that
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with china's economic and military rise is the us that will suffer at the end of the day. new leadership showed china a very you. can continue it. so. continue to grow economically very much china we would do is to continue to spring for. three to reach. china can achieve parity with america and eve is there. i don't think america can for all its weight around the world we've. a poll. now you can't you can do anything it wants but if china becomes. a power on a parity with the u.s. then things change or into the r.t. world out there we go starting with syria where rebels say they've taken control of
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a key military checkpoint near the country's northeastern border with turkey at least eighteen government troops and three opposition fighters died in the battle near the town of ras al-ain meanwhile senior u.k. officials are due to discuss the growing violence including the option of a no fly zone this comes as france became the first western power to officially recognize the opposition coalition in syria. or to turn our attention now to libya where twenty new ministers have been sworn in leaving seven more seats in the country's new cabinet yet to be filled by the government was approved by the general national congress in october and now faces the hard task of bringing stability to the country and libya has been highly volatile ever since last year's popular uprising resulted in the ousting and killing of colonel moammar gadhafi. the u.s. and afghanistan the beginning talks of a new security arrangements in a cub all the address the size of the american contingent by two thousand and
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fourteen when most nato troops have left the war torn country it comes amid a climate of mr. crossed with couple complaining about the conduct of u.s. combat operations and washington concerned over a spike in so-called insider attacks over fifty nato troops have been killed in such assaults this year alone. a lavish lifestyle is something britain's royal family perhaps takes for granted palaces casals sprawling country of states all of their disposal you might think though their pay the people that look after them are rather generous wage but a recent job adverts suggests exactly otherwise turns out you might be better off working for a burger king rather than the queen of england laura smith explains. so this is pretty unfortunate timing for the queen to be advertising this job it's living wage week in the u.k. which is a campaign by opposition politicians and also by campaign groups to get people paid what they're calling a living wage they've calculated it to include what's necessary for housing and
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food and other basic necessities to live a basic kind of life they're saying that amount is seven pounds forty five outside the capital the minimum wage is six pounds nineteen and this job which is for a part time cleaner in windsor castle is paying just six pounds sixty seven per hour now it's not illegal this but it's also not generous spirits people outside buckingham palace and opinions are really kind of divided about this because of course we want the queen to be generous and we expect actually we expect people like the queen to set an example particularly to employers but we also want her to be frugal because all of this stuff all of this money that she's paying out is coming from taxpayers ultimately but do we want her to be frugal at the expense of low paid staff like cleaners i think the arts is probably why i think she's in trying to do that she can do but obviously you get what you pay for very large but very. difficult. they should. be
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as far as general salaries you can see we've got some figures to show you we're talking about salaries since two thousand and six they've risen by about eleven percent across the board which doesn't sound too bad none of this sounds too bad so some example social workers they got seventeen percent more in their wage packet teaches eleven percent chartered accountants have done less well it's just one percent management consultants are down by around six percent but the most important thing to remember is that none of these things represent real terms rise in wages in order to beat inflation in your wage part you've had to have seen it go up by nineteen percent so this is a job that does not pay well. parties are laura smith in london now from chile towns of alaska to miami beach americans are joining together to call for a disunited states but hundreds of thousands of online pro independence petitions have been filed in all fifty states as we reported online. plus rushes and gas
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giant gazprom and its partners push plans for a pipeline under the black sea a step closer to reality by signing off on the final investment for those project details also on our web site. now the economic downturn is not only refuse to greek wallets but has also shaken up the country's political scene greece saw some unexpected names turn up on the parliament's poll winners list in june including the ultra nationalist golden dawn party parties could roll over investigates the side effects of the crisis. hunger joblessness the feeling is ripping their country apart greeks are seeking answers today crisis in increasingly extreme news the main form but this has been expressed is the rise of the greek left but also a warning development in the. past months has been the rise of the neo fascists and actually me or not to be more precise than go. the numbers don't lie
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at the last election in june the golden dawn entered parliament with seventy percent of the votes current opinion polls suggest an election today would see them take around thirteen percent they can offer some practical solutions to greek people and because they portray themselves as their one who will punish the status quo qualities and who are responsible for the crisis but it's not just politicians they are accused of trying to punish and immigrant grandstanding is a key part of the greeks for the greeks manifesto which is seen them linked to violent attacks on florida's clashes between their members and other poll. titians on discussion shows and their leader denying the holocaust on television well with serious allegations of violence leveled against them and certainly being no strangers when it comes to making a scene what do golden dawn's elected officials think that their party's policies
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can do for the greek people this is because of the artists a leading member of golden dawn who you may recognize as the politician we just saw a turkish fellow guest on a panel show. in power will revise the constitution however embezzled money will go to jail and they are other assets will be confiscated because we will declare a greek economic zone to tap the resources and energy reserves which today are playing by foreign interests who will bring security target prime and regrease of illegal immigrants those whose written extensively about the rise of the extreme right are adamant that golden dawn want power through chaos after so many thought that it will show that they're winning ground despite everybody being aware of the violence they use and the rights they cause or the other parties to fight among themselves so they can pick up footers out of the turmoil they want to war not true says cassidy artists propaganda propaganda this is black propaganda with the
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prospect of yet another election increase in the near future golden dawn senses its chance to sway more voters it's way despite the shine so with the swastika continuing to hang over them these are all of a i t. athens and a coming your way in just a few are the only man on global television who can get away with telling you ever think of the global monetary monsters don't want you to know about the cash report and a sack. and download the official ati application to choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. c.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch ati in any time if i didn't.
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sleep. and. it. and.
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and and and. and. i. nokian cab all yes it's nokian cab all lookin cabel max keiser welcome to the
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kaiser report so now we understand why the american general said it was impossible to pull out of afghanistan and that a surge was in fact needed yes zana do did the us generals a stately pleasure dome to korea for all their biographers and unpaid social liaison officers yes afghanistan is just so frickin romantic this time of year but if the u.s. generals are protecting the war in afghanistan for a safe gnocchi on the side a then well why is david cameron protecting this city of london calling for a doubling down of fraud who is shipping home david cameron stacey. yes max david cameron use an annual speech to the guildhall to which is normally reserved for foreign policy and he instead talked about.


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